Sunday, April 4, 2010

The prodigal returns ... today

I did plan to keep Blogging after my last entry but somehow it just didn't happen. It is not that I have a lot going on in my life to prevent me from having time to write. No it is not that at all. I suppose I could say that it is because I have a lot of nothing going on in my life that I am prevented from writing due to lack of material. But whatever the reason, I am going to get down to it now.

I will as I said, bring you up to date on important things in my life over the next few blogs but it will take a few so be patient my friends.

I do not have time to write much at the moment because a friend will be here in about half an hour and I need to wash, dress, make my bed and have something to eat. It is almost noon but I haven't been able to take any food yet. That is a problem I have been having for some time now. Well, almost all of my life I have not wanted to eat breakfast as soon as I emerged from my bed. I used to take food to have at my coffee break instead of breakfast at home. But now it is worse. Sometimes it is mid-afternoon before I can eat. Not good for a diabetic. I just look at food and feel ill. I have talked to my doctor but he has no idea either. But sometimes I wake up during the night just starving for food. I can eat fine at 3 in the morning but not at 8 or 9. Ah well.

I am going to take a quick break. Back in a moment.

I prepared my lunch and it is now in the toaster oven - yes Marj I am still tempting the fates and using the toaster oven that is slung up under one of my kitchen cupboards. I think of you almost every time I use it and I wonder if I will have a fire 'this time'. You are not the only one who has warned me but you were the first. Lunch is now about 15 minutes away and my friend about 25 minutes away so it could be tight.

I still have to get cleaned up and bed made. I just couldn't remain on my feet any longer so I am back for a few minutes and then the bed and bath of sorts.

My friend's name is Rob. He is the man who rents a room next door and has done my landscaping. He has been so good to me. He still can't find work after a year and his savings are now gone. Unemployment insurance didn't last long enough. So, he is looking for work but can't pay rent. Solution - move in with me. So we are in the process of making him a comfortable nest in my basement instead of my neighbour's. He won't pay rent but he will do work around the homestead.

This is all I can manage for now. My hands are bothering me and I keep hitting the wrong keys and having to make corrections. I promise I will keep writing. Until next time .... adieu.

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