Sunday, July 5, 2009

Today was ... frustrating

I had a frustrating day mainly because I was seemingly brain dead. I get these days periodically and sometimes they are severe as was today. I searched the house for several things only later to find them exactly where they should have been but I just didn't see them when I looked. I wandered around the house not knowing what the heck I was doing, where I was going or anything. I just seemed to be in a total fog.

It is now almost tomorrow and will be by the time I finish this. I have a fruit cake in the oven. I rented a pan of 12 inch diameter and it took the entire recipe that normally makes three different sized layers. I had baked my three usual layers months ago and thought that I was finished Esther's wedding cake. Well, I talked to the Wedding consultant this week and she suggested larger cakes. So I phoned all over town to find a pan to buy or rent and finally found one. I have a 10 inch pan so now the cake will be made up of a 12 inch, a 10 inch, an 8 inch and a 6 inch layer. Or just the first three - Vonny (the consultant wants me to bring them to her when I get into town and in her words 'we will play with them until we know what we want to do'. Sounds like fun to me - but then I don't get out much.

Well, the cake won't be done for another 2 hours so I think I will go lie down and set my alarm. Either that or do some laundry and packing. Lots and lots to do.

1 comment:

LzyMom said...

I am so excited for you guys! And making a wedding cake sounds exciting. Especially being able to make one for your daughter. :)

Sorry about the "fog". I'm in one too. It's called new baby. Sigh. But we're getting there. She's gained 9 ounces so the doctor's are off my back. :P