Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today just keeps right on being ... amazing

I went to a Partylite event at the Ramada Inn this afternoon. I used to go with my friend Pam who used to be a consultant and now I go with Kristy who is also a consultant. I am always lucky when it comes to Partylite and today was another very lucky day for me. I wish my luck could win me a big lottery prize.

Kristy had an email party about a month ago where she gave away the hostess benefits. She had some very nice deals and I emailed an order for 6 dozen tea lights. I was the first one to email her so I got my choice of hostess benefits - of course that was the $125 gift certificate. She brought that and my tea lights to the event today for me and then told me that I had also won another $125 gift certificate from donating to Erica's walk for cancer. At a party in April or maybe even March, I donated $25 for this cause and got to put my name in the draw 5 times. Then today I was given a ticket for being on time and won that draw which was for a tea light holder that resembles a shell and a dozen tea lights ($30 + $15 value). I also earned 5 more tickets that I put in bags behind the items that were to be drawn for. I earned three tickets for being a past hostess and two tickets for being a guest at a party. I won the most expensive item - a lavender scented neck bag that can be heated or chilled / lavendar scented eye patches that also can be heated or chilled / and a box of lavendar scented soaps. (about $60 value). So Esther, if you are reading this, you can do some shopping with Partylite when we meet in Vancouver - I also received a new catalogue and also a votive flower which is really cute.

On the way home I stopped at the mall and bought myself some Sushi so I don't have to prepare supper. :) I was hot by the time I got home because the car doesn't have a/c but my house was nice and cool. I just love the central a/c - should have had it years ago.

Anyway, I have had an awesome day and plan to get to bed early because tomorrow is going to be hectic.

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