Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today was the end of another ... bad week

I have had a worrisome week. I decided that I must be having side effects to the dilaudid so I stopped it for a day and then took it again and sure enough the nasty symptoms were back. I went to see my doctor Tuesday morning - early - 8:30am. Dang but that is a terrible hour to be up and going. :) He agreed with me about the dilaudid and then suggested that I have nothing for pain until everything settles down. My heart has taken a kicking but thankfully is still ticking albeit a bit more weirdly. Grrreat. No painkillers.

It is now 5am on Saturday and I have been up since 2:37am. I have played the harp for over an hour and just had a weak hot chocolate to see if I can induce sleep. The problem of course is the pain. We are having a bit of a wind storm and supposedly are to have snow. Precipitation causes my fibromyalgia and arthritis to flare up and I am in agony. I awoke with pain in my neck and for a few wild moments thought I was paralyzed from the neck down. I literally could not move. My neck is still very painful and difficult to move.

I am just listening to the furnace clank. It has been doing that all winter. I just had a man in to give me an estimate on a new high efficiency furnace and also an airconditioner. I would love to have a/c but it is perhaps a little much money at the moment. But then my health is worth it - no? I am having another estimate on Wednesday. The problem is that I also require a new roof this summer and then with Esther's wedding and perhaps a trip to the Yukon ......

Well, my neck is driving me crazy so I will close for now. I need to move around and see if I can limber up a little. I think I will try to get down the stairs and do some laundry, clean some litter boxes and perhaps do a few more household chores - then I can maybe get some sleep during the day. Or perhaps not. C'est la vie.

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